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                                                                  What We Do Makes a Difference


  1. Donate to Berkshire County food pantries and meal programs.

  2. Enable boys and girls to go to camp and support therapeutic horse-riding program.

  3. Cook and supply food for the barbecue at the Christian Center Westside Community Day.

  4. Award scholarships to high school graduates in Pittsfield and to Berkshire Community College students.

  5. Cook and supply food for a quarterly dinner at the First Baptist Church. 

  6. Donate to organizations assisting cystic fibrosis, women in need, those with mental illness and those with addictions.

  7. Participate in Adopt-a-Highway Program and walks for charitable organizations.

  8. Supply food, cook meals, and deliver Christmas dinners to elderly and shut ins.

  9. Serve those with developmental disabilities by volunteering at Special Olympics Bowling Tournaments and annual dinner dances.

  10. Help those with intellectual and developmental disabilities by contributing to research at the Civitan International Research Center.

  11. Provide Berkshire County residents with information on local events and non-profit organizations through a monthly program on Pittsfield Community Public Television.

  12. Assist community policing through Officer Friendly, a seven-foot inflatable costume worn at school visits, children’s activities, and family community events.

  13. Sponsor Little League Baseball team.

  14. Assist veterans at Soldier On.

  15. Donate to a community winter heating program, to a children's winter clothing program and a children's shoe program.

  16. Volunteer at Salvation Army Bell Ringing.

  17. Conduct food, toiletry & towel drives.

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